Peeblesshire Beekeepers Association

Beeswax and beyond

Tuesday 28th January

Venue: Manor Village Hall

Location Map

Time: 7.30pm

Kate Atchley: beeswax and beyond, with Shani Sedgwick on making beeswax wraps

An interactive presentation about beeswax – its recovery, cleaning and uses with some advice on candle making, and on environmentally-friendly food wraps.

An informative talk, as well as a good forum to exchange your best tips, bring your favourite bits of kit, and ask for advice.

At the end of the season most beekeepers will have beeswax – damaged or dirty comb from brood areas and supers. If it’s been cleaned, it can be sold, or exchanged for sheets of foundation. Or you can clean it up yourself, and find a good use for this valuable by-product. Kate and Shani will show how prepare the beeswax, and suggest some ways of making the best use of it.

After the talk/demo, there will be questions, chat, and of course refreshments (any edible contributions welcome!)