Peeblesshire Beekeepers Association

Learning Beekeeping 2023 Week 1

Wednesday 15th March 7.30pm

Zoom Meeting ID: 972 7615 8511

The Honey Bee Colony

The beginner’s course is run as a refresher/beginners course – so whether you’re a complete beginner, or just feel a bit rusty, do get yourself booked in to the course. Each talk starts at 7.30pm, and will last an hour, with time afterwards for questions and chat.

In addition to the talks, there will be a practical hands-on day, to cover making up frames, lighting the smoker, introduction to equipment, a “virtual” hive, as well as hive visits to introduce you to practical management and handling.

Contact Peter Stevenson to receive the session password

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  1. Pingback: Beekeeping: a course for beginners 2023. – Peeblesshire Beekeepers Association

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