Peeblesshire Beekeepers Association

Beginners Day 2017 Report

Fifteen prospective beekeepers, five instructors, two dogs and several thousand bees took part in this years PBKA Beginners Day.

As usual the participants came from a wide range of backgrounds with the common aim of finding out more about the fascinating world of honeybees.



The day was structured into formal presentations interspersed with practical activities and a visit to the association apiary.

The morning presentations discussed the honeybee colony and managing the hive.

The indoor activities were



honey tasting

honey tasting

frame making

frame making

Virtual and Real Hives

Virtual and Real Hives

In the middle of the day we went out to the apiary. Everyone suited up, lit some smokers and had a look at the apiary site and equipment.

The day was rather cold for a full inspection but we managed to have a peek at some live bees.


at the apiary

at the apiary

Back to the hall to warm up and have lunch and a chat. More presentations on Bee health and finally the beekeeping year rounded up the day.



Everyone appeared to enjoy the day and were eager to follow up the day with some practical experience in the apiary over the summer.

Beginners Course 29th April 2017

Peeblesshire Beekeepers Beginners Course 2017


If you are thinking of keeping bees or just want to find out a bit more about this fascinating hobby, you are welcome to come along to our beginners day.

This years course will be held on Saturday 29th April 2017. Meet at 9.30am for 10am start. Finish approximately 4.30pm.

The venue will be at Manor Village Hall, Kirkton Manor, near Peebles. Location Map

There will be presentations, practical demos and, weather permitting, a visit to the association apiary.

The course will cost £35 to cover instruction, refreshments, equipment and a years membership of PBKA.

After completing the day course, hives at the association apiary will be available for hands on experience throughout the season with support from experienced local beekeepers.

beginners day 2016

beginners day 2016

For enquiries, please contact the association secretary in the first instance.

Mandy Clydesdale Secretary Tel: 01721 720563 Mob: 07563 185993

Beginners Course 29th April 2017

This years course will be held on Saturday 29th April 2017. Meet at 9.30am for 10am start. Finish approximately 4.30pm.

The venue will be at Manor Village Hall, Kirkton Manor, near Peebles. Location Map

There will be presentations, practical demos and, weather permitting, a visit to the association apiary.

The course will cost £35 to cover instruction, refreshments, equipment and a years membership of PBKA.

More details here


April – Beginners Classes


Starts 23rd APRIL 2016: £35.

An all-day session of theory and practical,

followed by supervised hands-on beekeeping through the year.

For £35 we offer the course, one year’s membership of Peeblesshire Beekeepers Association, and the opportunity to look after a hive of bees for a whole year at the Association apiary.

We will provide a mentor for you, so you can build on your skills throughout the year, and gain confidence.

We can lend all the equipment you’ll need – just bring boots and gloves!

For further information and an application form, contact:

Mandy Clydesdale, the PBKA Secretary via our website:

or call 01721 720 563 or Mob 07563 185 993.

Beginners Courses

We intend to run beginners classes again in 2016. These will probably be in April – to be confirmed.

This year we are planning on running two half day sessions (9.30am – 2pm) for anyone wanting to start beekeeping: each will be a theory session followed an apiary visit and practical session on (e.g.) making up frames and hives.

Further information from Amanda Clydesdale (secretary).