Peeblesshire Beekeepers Association


The candidate will be:

 5.4 aware of acarine (a mite), nosema (a microsporidian fungus) and braula (a wingless fly) stating their effects upon the colony;


Acarine is a microscopic mite that infests the trachea (breathing tubes) of the bee.

Acarine will weaken the bees in the colony and severe infestations can cause the colony to fail.

Proper diagnosis can only be done in the laboratory.

Good hygene is the best preventative method.

Nosema affects the bees digestive system. It is spread by the bees voiding faeces on the comb when they are unable to fly. The bees lifespan is shortened and hives will not build up in the spring as expected.

Laboratory analysis would be needed to confirm nosema.

Good hygene is the best preventative method. Requeening may help with severe cases.


Braula is a small red coloured wingless fly. It lives on the bees bodies and so could be mistaken for the varroa mite. However it only has 6 legs as opposed to 8 legs of varroa. The fly is harmless to the bees – it does not suck blood or interfere with them. It has evolved to use the hive and comb as a suitable habitat. Sadly the chemical treatments used for varroa have made braula a rarity.